Leverage the power of public data to find solutions to your most pressing business problems.
New Check out our data platform!Start for free. No credit card required.
Connect your business spreadsheets and dashboards to hundreds of curated datasets via our API and web-platform.
Having trouble managing your company's external data assets? Let us take care of the heavy-lifting so you can focus on what matters. The analysis.
Learn everything there is to know about your industry with our custom research reports.
We've cleaned and standardized over 200 datasets so your team can go straight into the analysis. No coding required.
Drive and automate your company's strategy based on facts, not hunches.
Monitor the main KPIs and Mexican credit portfolios in one place.
Make informed decisions based on up-to-date data from the Mexican financial sector.
New Access our financial reports!Leverage the benefits of ingesting external data directly into your company's internal systems.
Enrich your business's data warehouse or data lake with data from public sources, with none of the hassle.
Can't find what you need?
Tell us your problem and we'll search the web for data that can help.
If you could write Santa a letter with the data you need for your business, what would it be?
We always look for official and reliable sources for our catalog. Ensuring you get data you can trust, every single time.
"Navigating government databases can be exhausting and time-consuming. As a banking sector analyst, tukan has enabled me to automate data updates and navigate smoothly through previously inaccessible data sources."
The best way to get to know our catalog is to try our freemium version, there you can filter between free and premium datasets. Or if you prefer, here's a Google Sheets file with all our datasets.
Sure, we understand that incorporating new data into your business could be a scary task.
If you schedule a sales call, our team will happily assist you on which sources could be relevant for your particular industry and use-case.
At the moment, yes. We only process data from public sources or scraped through the web.
Most of it is from Mexico. However, we add data to our catalog based on the feedback we get from our clients; and have no issue on managing data from other countries (as long as we can access the source in spanish, english or portuguese).